”My vision of the ideal world, is a world where every human being realizes the greatness of her spirit, takes her responsibility for it and is given the opportunity to maximize its develop- ment. This would mean moving from a materialistic focus to an existential one. For this to happen, I believe cooperation has to replace competition as a driving force in society as the latter feeds fear; fear of not being good enough, fear from losing ground to your fellow human being. At the end – even fear of the universe as it is bigger than you are. Cooperation is built from a perspective of what is good for me is good for everyone, myself being part of something greater. Love and compassion becomes the driving force (it has to, from a pure logical point of view) in such a system; the mission of what we could achieve will be the focal point.”

”When it comes to economy ... well, in a spiritual world there doesn ́t necessarily need to be one. Economy is only one solution to simplify trading of goods and services, and my feeling is that there must be a less corruptive way of doing this, even though I have no idea how. Today, money gives you influence just by being there in your pocket. You actually do not have to do anything at all with them to get a feeling of being capable to – and you are! But, this is like having your own capable soul in your pocket, almost like if the subject money would have its own soul (and I think it does have a soul – the soul of the human feeling of being a little bit more capable than your fellow man or woman) and this is not wise. This can never lead us to- wards what is Right. The feeling of being capable has to come from you know- ing that you can do something for what is good for the common good, not just anything at all.
In the future world of ours we will admire wisdom and morality instead of wealth and power. The rest will be a consequence.”